Tuesday, March 2, 2010


So this morning my boys were up at 6:00 am, and my boys were into everything. I woke up to hear Cruze on the monitor say, "Hurry and get the wipes." So I bolted out of bed because the wipes are in Enza's room and they wake her up every morning. SO I ran down there and Gauge had taken off his poopy diaper and Cruze was trying to get the wipes to help him clean it up. So there was poop all over in my bathroom. There was chewed up gum in my bathtub and all over my bathroom rug, a whole packs worth. The toilet was flooded with too much toilet paper. All of their toys were everywhere, not a single toy was in it's place. There was 1 or 2 whole pediasure's spilled on my kitchen floor, and crackers were smashed all over my living room. Where were we, well fast alseep, but how did we sleep through all of this. I really don't know!! Usually they come in and wake us up when they wake up, but no, they were on a rampage. I think they woke up and decided that today was the day to make mom realize that hey you can't stop us if you don't know we are awake. HEE HEE HEE!!
The kicker is they must have been up at like 5 or 5:30 to make that big of a mess by 6 am.

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