Friday, July 9, 2010

Long Weekend!

Ethan getting it all ready to go.

There was a design flaw, because as Ethan was pulling on the rip cord, the whole dang thing kept tipping over. So apparently we need some kind of weight on the end. Since we didn't have one, Ethan kindly volunteered to lay down and hold it while the rest of us pulled the cord. He kept getting soaked. He even had me try it. It was fun and the kids loved it too. Good job on the gift me!

I am not complaining about it being a long holiday weekend. Ethan did work on Monday so it wasn't the same for us as most of you, however we did have a picnic on Monday night. For Father's Day the boys & I bought Ethan a Bottle Launcher. I thought it would be fun for him and the boys to do together. I was right! We brought it to play with after our picnic. Here are a couple pics, we mostly took video of it. It was a blast.

1 comment:

  1. Enza's hair is thee best!! hahahah Love you guys! :]
