Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Never Suppress a Generous Thought

Okay so this picture is a little old, like 2-3 years ago old, but this is one of the last pics I have of all of us together. Looks like I know what picture needs to be taken next!

My mom, sisters, and I went down to the conference center last Saturday for the R.S. Broadcast. What a wonderful experience! My older sister Danielle, was singing in the choir, and my other sister, (Mech) was able to get us tickets to actually go down there. It was a night full of chaos, but it was still so great. First My dear husband Ethan had an appointment that ran long, and so I missed the pick-up for dinner. So I got there late, which in all reality wasn't that big of a deal. Then when we got down there, my mom dropped off Mechelle and I , while her and Tanelle parked the car. We were supposed to save seats for the four of us. No big deal right? Wrong. When Mech and I got in the building we asked one of the ushers where our seats were, and he pointed us in the direction and said that they were good seats. So we saved four and waited. We waited and we waited and they were no where to be seen. We got there at 5:00 so by 5:45 they still weren't there and we had tried a million times to call Tanelle's phone, because they were no where to be found. No Answer! Mech decided to go ask the nearest usher if we were in the right spot, and it turns out that no, we weren't. Keep in mind that I had previously said, "What do we got to do to score tickets down there?" Pointing to the bottom floor. Well it turns out that that is where our tickets were for, is the bottom level. So I walked down there to try to find them to at least let them know that we were good and would meet them after it was over. I never did find them though, so we just sat there and listened and enjoyed. So afterwards we were supposed to meet Danielle out front, so we figured that we would just go out and wait for one or hopefully all of our family to come out there. We waited and watched and waited some more, it took so long that we were joking about walking down to Trax and riding that home. Finally My mom and Tanelle came out and then we were waiting for Danielle. My mom said, "Chantel go and see if you see her, and if the Choir is coming out yet." SO I did and I decided to walk down to where they were supposed to come out so I wouldn't miss her. Well I got down there and she was nowhere to be found. SO I started walking back up to where my mom and sisters were waiting, and she was there, but Mech wasn't she was looking for me. This is really making us sound like we are not the sharpest tools in the shed, but we really are very smart. Anyway finally Mech came back and we were all laughing most of the way home about the events of the evening. It was pretty great!
A little bit about the conference itself, I loved the phrase in Sister Beck's talk about never suppressing a generous thought. In our Y.W. training that we had a few years ago now, she had used that same phrase, and it has really stuck with me over the years. I love it because if we all acted upon every thought that came to our minds about doing a service for other people, we would all be happier for serving, but also for having service done for us. What a great life motto and rule to live by. Now I challenge all of you to try like I am to NEVER SUPPRESS A GENEROUS THOUGHT!
How lucky I am to have such wonderful sisters and a mom too. We have so much fun together, and I hope you all know how grateful I am to have you in my life. You are all so special to me. Also, while I am giving shout outs, I'll give one to Ethan and tell him thank you for being so kind to let me go for hours at a time to hang with my mom and sisters. Love ya!


  1. Ha, Ha! Hilarious story, unless you were there and felt lost most of the night. HEE, HEE! Good idea to live by that motto. You've inspired me! Love you

  2. Hi Chantel!!! How fun to see your darling family, it looks like you are doing great! Someone told me about the Davis High blog and I saw your name on there :) I have 3 kids too, 2 girls a boy, your children are adorable! I am so glad you are doing well, seeing that cute picture of your family took me back in time, I always loved being at your home with you and your family!

  3. It was a great night! Seriously that would only happen to us! Love ya! Blog looks great!
